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Mentoring Center Staff

RippyEllie Rippy (she/her/hers)

Director  |  Terre Haute, IN

“I believe that relationships are cornerstones in the foundation of our personal and professional lives. Mentoring relationships are especially important because they provide opportunities for learning and growth outside the classroom and provide unique perspectives, professional connections, and a wide variety of resources which may not be available otherwise.”

EilbrachtMallory Eilbracht (she/her/hers)

Mentoring Center Program Coordinator  |  Terre Haute, IN

“Mentoring relationships meet people where they are at and provide not only support, but guidance through whatever it is they are experiencing in the moment. It provides a caring connection with someone who wants to see you succeed in the goals you are setting for yourself which can last one semester or even a lifetime."

RamseyAllison Ramsey (she/her/hers)

Training Coordinator  |  Augusta, Illinois

“Mentoring is an extremely valuable experience that supports an individual’s growth and progress towards their goals through companionship and guidance.”

BowenKori Bowen (she/her/hers)

Graduate Assistant, Master's in School Counseling
Terre Haute, IN

“I believe that mentoring is so important because I would not be where I am today without the support of my mentors. Mentors help guide you and are the extra push that you need to help you reach your goals.”

ChillaHrutika Chilla (she/her/hers)

Graduate Assistant, Master's in Computer Science
Karimnagar, India

“Mentoring helps an individual extensively to gain new perspectives on life and their potential career, while learning to make better choices and grow their skills. It also provides an opportunity to bring out their best through guidance, advice and support.”

HennesseeCheyenne Hennessee (she/her/hers)

Graduate Assistant, Ed.S in School Psychology
Danville, IN

“Mentoring is important because it can help you navigate the unknown and have someone who can give you insight. It also provides a connection to someone who has gone through similar experiences.”

TroverEdward Trover (he/him/his)

Graduate Assistant, PhD in Curriculum and Instruction
Clinton, IN

“Mentoring provides an experience for students that they may be missing in their studies. One-on-one support and individualized help empowers students to be autonomous learners and agents of their own change—academically, professionally, and personally.”

YoungIsaac Young (he/him/his)

Graduate Assistant, Master's in Communications
Cahokia, IL

“I believe mentoring is important because it helps bridge a gap with first-generation students.”


Cunningham Memorial Library
Room 233
510 N 6 1/2 Street
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone: (812) 237-3052

Mentoring Center Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8 AM – 8 PM
Friday 8 AM – 5 PM

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